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Features & Technical Terms
GIF, WebP, AVIF and WebM formats
APNG format
FPS (Frames Per Second)
How to reduce GIF file size
Transition effects
Use Dither
Maximum recording time
Use Disk Swap
Save as MP4 Directly
Help about Editing
How to insert/edit/animate texts
How to insert/edit/animate speech bubbles
How to insert/edit/animate stickers
How to use the photo frame effects
How to draw on animated images/videos
Tips for Honeycam
How to maintain the quality of images when re-saving as GIF
Save as the working(current) file name after editing
Hotkeys for Honeycam
Save all settings
Online Authentication Failed
Entry Point Not Found
How to update Honeycam
How to run Honeycam as administrator
WebP doesn't play smoothly on iPhone!
How to install AV1 codec for free
How to troubleshoot when Honeycam is shut down for no reason in a few seconds after its execution
Honeycam crashes when opening a video
When saved as GIF, the playback time is not the same.
When saving GIFs, the CPU usage is too high.

Use Dither

Since GIF format only supports up to 256 colors, a GIF file goes through a color reduction called a quantization. Reducing the number of colors used in the image, however, may cause a problem of inaccurate color presentation (especially in the objects’ outlines and gradient areas) which makes the image look coarse and artificial.

“Use Dither” applies noise to the image and makes it look clearer and more natural.

Using the feature doesn’t always achieve a better result and it depends on the type of your image. Toggle the feature on and off to compare the results with each other.

Original image


Quantized 256-color image without dither


Quantized 256-color image with dither


Resized (200%)