How to troubleshoot when an error occurs saying split archive files are needed
If you are having trouble sending a large file (folder) to someone, you can split the large file into smaller ones.
Split-archiving the original file makes several files whose filenames are followed by ZIP, Z01, Z02, etc. The receipient of the file can download all the files to the same folder and then decompress them with Bandizip to restore the original file.

Help » How to split a large file into smaller files with Bandizip
When decompressing such split archives, all files created by splitting the original file should be located in the same folder. If any of them are missing, the result of decompression will be imcomplete.
The error message saying "Cannot open this ZIP file. The following split files (.z01, .z02...) are needed." occurs when some parts of the split archive are located in a different folder or do not exist.
So make sure that you have downloaded all the split archive files and they are all in the same folder. If the sender has omitted some files, you should ask him to send them again.
Please visit the link below to learn more about split archive files.